Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hospital Vistit 3/Chemo Round 2

Cliff was able to start his second round of chemo yesterday evening. He had a 2 hour drip bag, and then he's been on a 22 hour drip bag that should be finishing up soon. After that he will go on a two hour drip bag every 12 hours for 2 days. A lot of info to process isn't it?

He still has the headache. This is a headache that he wants all the lights off, no noise, and a cool wash cloth on his head. He also developed a case of the hiccups. They gave him something to try and knock both the headache and hiccups. The hiccups are gone, but sadly the headache is still here. He’s also starting to feel nauseous; hopefully this is from the headache and not the chemo. He keeps telling me sorry every time he gets sick. I hate this! I keep telling him that there is no reason to be sorry. I’m sorry he has to deal with this.

Some have asked why can’t they cut the mass out. There is no reason to cut the mass out. The thing is already melting away with his first round of chemo. I think I mentioned what kind of cancer he had in the blog post that I somehow deleted, so I’ll say again. He has Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. This is a blood cancer which means this is a form of leukemia. To be honest, I haven’t done much research after Cliff’s diagnoses. I don’t want to scare myself with Google searches. I have great friends and family that will send me emails about something they have found and I love that. It’s nice knowing that they proof read it. I know they aren’t sending me something that will freak me out. I trust his doctors and nurses fully. I believe that Dr. Turner and Dr. Collins (more about him another day) will do whatever they can to get Cliff healthy and remission.

I told Cliff after the first hospital stay that he’ll get to say he’s a cancer survivor. That’s pretty powerful in my opinion. We already know Cliff is a fighter, and this is just another battle in his life that he’ll overcome. I love him so much and can’t wait for the day doctor to say he’s in remission.

FYI he has the hiccups again…
The lime green ribbon represents lymphoma awareness.

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